National Roadshow and International
Info Franchise And Business Concept Expo 2012
The 1998 monetary crisis has now been a distant memory as Indonesia continues its rapid recovery. The initial investor concern eventually gave way to the recognition of the improved health of Indonesian economy and business. Now, Indonesian economy expanded, the third fastest among G-20 economies. This is due in parts to Indonesian tremendous domestic consumption and rich commodity sector, which has also protected the economy against the recent global financial crisis. Worldwide market participants are now able to view Indonesia as a country with great potential, supported by a large consumer base and rising export. Indonesia is expected to lure more foreign funds than the previous years.
This year, Info Franchise and Business Concept Expo 2012 would like to point to the rising of new enterpreneurship nationwide. In fact, all net job growth over the last decade has come from new companies. The encouragement and nurture of new enterpreneurs have been acknowledged to be the key to weather any future financial crisis. Enterpreneurship spirit were in the air, during the 2009 successful road show, as a strong effort to stimulate new ideas in business and to provide necessary skills to bring the ideas into reality. Now, The Info Franchise and Business Concept Expo 2012 strives to carry on the spirit of "INNOVATING CREATIVEPRENEURSHIP".
The Info Franchise and Business Concept Expo 2012 is the choice forum where National Franchises, Business Opportunities, Supporting Industries, Authorities and Professionals assemble to share and showcase their valuable contributions. The Expo takes place in all major cities in Indonesia, to reach out to motivated enterpreneurs, and to help established businesses in getting direct contact with potential investors. Through the forum, companies gain access to possible expansion, unexpected opportunities, new contacts and interest, image branding, and to achieve a wide range of sales and marketing objectives.
For those with genuine interest in starting or expanding their business and franchise, the Info Franchise and Business Concept Expo 2012 will be the premium event of all moment. Come and Join us now.
- Info Franchise Expo 2012, Exhibition, Workshop and Seminar is designed for business where the atmosphere is covered with key decision makers, regulators, investor, professionals and all people that really matter.
- Info Franchise Expo 2012 is the only franchise road show that held nationwide of Indonesia, directly to major cities in Indonesia, as a meeting point where people can interact face to face to produce spectacular deals.
- Info Franchise Expo 2012 expected to attract more than 50.000 visitors all over Indonesia.
- Info Franchise Expo 2012 educate public in benchmarking the business model, experience in pursuit of business knowledge, comprehend the latest franchise update and related regulation and also discover the real meaning of entrepreneurship
- Info Franchise Expo has been held for 5 consecutive years, focused on complete spectrum of franchise, license and other related business concepts.
- Meet thousands of prospect customers and develop excellence database
- Expand a delicate relationship with visitor
- Showcase your full product range in real life
- Get immediate feedback on your product range
- Boost and accelerate the buying process
- Raise your profile in the industry and add value to your brands
- Launch a new product and generate media interest
Setelah Sukses dengan berbagai rangkaian Info Franchise Expo sebelumnya semenjak tahun 2006, di berbagai kota besar di Indonesia; Jawa, Sumatera, Kalimantan dan Sulawesi dengan animo yang sangat positif dan transaksi yang fantastis. Tercatat Rangkaian Pameran Nasional Info Franchise and Business Concept Expo 2011 "Ayo Berwirausaha" mendapatkan animo pengunjung mencapai 60.000 pengunjung (berdasarkan tiket terjual dan undangan) dan dengan total transaksi keseluruhan mencapai Rp 466,2 miliar. Kini, kembali pada tahun 2012 ini kami selenggarakan Rangkaian Pameran Nasional Info Franchise and Business Concept Expo 2012 yang akan hadir di 19 Kota di Indonesia.
Konsep bisnis waralaba dan peluang usaha beberapa tahun terakhir telah menjadi salah satu trendsetter yang memberi warna baru dalam dinamika perekonomian Indonesia. Perkembangan bisnis di kedua sektor ini selain memicu pertumbuhan ekonomi yang sehat, membuka kesempatan lapangan kerja baru dan juga mempermudah peluang pengadaan kesempatan bisnis kepada khayalak luas. Kegairahan berwirausaha telah mewabah secara global sehingga diperlukan suatu ajang promosi dan sosialisasi yang tepat.
PT Neo Expo Promosindo melalui sinergi yang harmonis bekerjasama dengan Majalah Info Franchise Indonesia, Asosiasi Franchise Indonesia selaku organisasi yang mewadahi bisnis franchise dan peluang usaha di Indonesia menyelenggarakan Road Show Info Franchise Expo, Pameran Waralaba dan Peluang Usaha Nasional, yang tahun ini hadir dengan jadwal sbb :
Tasikmalaya, 3 - 5 Februari 2012, Mayasari Plaza Mall
Lampung, 17 - 19 Februari 2012, Plaza Lotus
Jakarta, 16 - 18 Maret 2012, Kartika Expo Center Balai Kartini
Bandung, 13 - 15 April 2012, Graha Manggala Siliwangi
Surabaya, 27 - 29 April 2012, Gramedia Expo
Semarang, 18 - 20 Mei 2012, Gedung Wanita
Malang, 15 - 17 Juni 2012, Taman Krida Budaya
Surabaya, 22 - 24 Juni 2012, Tunjungan Plaza 3 Lt.6
Palembang, 8 - 9 September 2012, Hotel Aryaduta palembang
Medan, 22 - 23 September 2012, Garuda Plaza Hotel
Yogyakarta, 5 - 7 Oktober 2012, Mandala Bakti Wanitatama
Surabaya, 9 - 11 November 2012, Galaxi Mall
Makassar, 7 - 9 Desember 2012, Celebes Convention Center
Info Franchise Expo 2012 will showcase everything that has something to do franchise and business concept, thus making it the most comprehensive event for business opportunity industry
- Automotive
- Restaurant, Cafe
- Banking
- Salon and Spa
- Beauty and Health
- Bookstore
- Business Centre
- Home Furnishing
- Childcare
- Jewelry and Accessories
- Cleaning, Laundry Services
- Travel Agents
- Courier Services
- Hotel and Resort
- Consulting Services
- Hobbies, Recreation and Sport
- Convenience Stores
- Retail Opportunities
- Decoration and Gift
- Printing and Publishing
- Educational Centre
- Pharmacy
- IT Related Services
- Training Centre
- Financing and Insurance
- Food and Beverages
- Property and Mall
- And Other Related Industry
To ensure that you get the most out of your participation, Info Franchise Expo 2012 will be aggressively publicized in the media to attract a maximum number of visitor :
- Display Advertisement in Daily Newspaper Kompas National
- Display Advertisement in Daily Newspaper Kompas Regional Jawa Barat
- Display Advertisement in Daily Newspaper Kompas Regional Jawa Tengah
- Display Advertisement in Daily Newspaper Kompas Regional DIY Yogyakarta
- Dispay Advertisement in Daily Newspaper Pikiran Rakyat
- Dispay Advertisement in Daily Newspaper Harian Kabar Priangan Tasikmalaya
- Dispay Advertisement in Daily Newspaper Tribun Lampung
- Dispay Advertisement in Daily Newspaper Radar Lampung
- Dispay Advertisement in Daily Newspaper Suara Merdeka
- Dispay Advertisement in Daily Newspaper Kedaulatan Rakyat
- Dispay Advertisement in Daily Newspaper Solo Pos
- Dispay Advertisement in Daily Newspaper Jawa Pos
- Dispay Advertisement in Daily Newspaper Sumatera Express
- Dispay Advertisement in Daily Newspaper Sriwijaya Post
- Dispay Advertisement in Daily Newspaper Radar Palembang
- Dispay Advertisement in Daily Newspaper Analisa
- Dispay Advertisement in Daily Newspaper Sumut Pos
- Dispay Advertisement in Daily Newspaper Tribun Medan
- Dispay Advertisement in Daily Newspaper Radar Malang
- Dispay Advertisement in Daily Newspaper Malang Pos
- Dispay Advertisement in Daily Newspaper Surabaya Post
- Display Advertisement in Daily Regional Newspaper
- Display Advertisement in Info Franchise Indonesia Magazine
- Display Advertisement in Business Magazine
- Clips on AIRPORTEVE (broadcasting tvc at airport Soekarno Hatta, Jakarta, all terminal)
- Clips on Airport TV Horison at Abdurrachman Saleh Airport, Malang
- Clips on SIGER TV Bandar Lampung
- Clips on SRIWIJAYA TV Palembang
- Addlips in Radio STYLE 93 FM Tasikmalaya
- Addlips in Radio HARYANI 87.6 FM Tasikmalaya
- Addlips in Radio STAR 106.7 FM Bandar Lampung
- Addlips in Radio MAS 104.5 FM Malang
- Addlips in Radio KENCANA 98,6 FM Malang
- Addlips in Radio JJFM 105.10 FM Surabaya
- Addlips in Trijaya 87.6 FM Palembang
- Addlips in Warastra Female 90FM Palembang
- Addlips in SMART 101.8 FM Medan
- Addlips in City Radio 95.9 FM Medan
- Talkshow Event in Radio STYLE 93 FM Tasikmalaya
- Talkshow Event in Radio HARYANI 87.6 FM Tasikmalaya
- Talkshow Event in Radio STAR 106.7 FM Bandar Lampung
- Talkshow Event in Radio MAS 104.5 FM Malang
- Talkshow Event in Radio KENCANA 98,6 FM Malang
- Talkshow Event in Radio JJFM 105.10 FM Surabaya
- Talkshow Event in Trijaya 87.6 FM Palembang
- Talkshow Event in Warastra Female 90FM Palembang
- Talkshow Event in SMART 101.8 FM Medan
- Talkshow Event in City Radio 95.9 FM Medan
- Electronic Media Advertising at Official Websites
- Electronic Media Advertising at Official Websites
- Related Essential Franchise Websites
- MailingList and Personal Email
- Direct VIP Invitation
- SMS Broadcast
- Poster
- Flyers
- Horizontal and Vertical Banner
- Stickers
- Catalogs
- Paper Bags
- Press Release
Info Franchise and Business Concept Expo Expo 2012 will attract visitors, enabling you to meet and interact with the following potential clients
- Business Owner and Enterpreneurs
- Corporate Management
- Investor
- Franchise and Business Consultants
- Franchisors and Franchisees
- Executives and Private Employees
- Professionals
- Retailers
- Potential Customer
- Government Departements Executives
- Lectures, Teachers and Researchers
- Media
- Others
- Ministry of Trade of Indonesia (Kementerian Perdagangan Republik Indonesia)
- Ministry of Domestic Trade, Cooperative and Consumerism Malaysia (Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri, Koperasi dan Konsumerisme Malaysia)
- Indonesian Franchise Association (Asosiasi Franchise Indonesia)
- Indonesia Exhibition Company Association (Asosiasi Perusahaan Penyelenggara Pameran Indonesia)
- Conference and Seminar. Indonesia Franchise Association and Professional Franchise Consultant will conduct conference, workshop and seminar with update topic, in each city where the road show 2012 will be held. The Participants limited only to 50 seats.
- Business Matching. A meeting point between franchisors and registered franchisees. These events enable franchisor to have exclusive face to face interaction and knowing your potential investor comprehensively. The organizer will arrange the schedule and provide meeting room. Visitor may register before the event.
- Business Clinics. Business Clinic is a public interest clinic, provides an important community service to learn all about business issues. Offering consulting services, giving advices with all personal touch. Managed by professional with impressive track records.
- Talk Show and Product Presentation. A program featuring company outline, where exhibitor can have direct contact with the audience, formal presentation, showing product and also aloud to invite prospect clients.
- Business Forum Malaysia. A Business Forum dedicated to entrepreneurs and business owner in Medan to gain much more knowledge about expanding their business in Malaysia and find out what the government of Malaysia support for Indonesian entrepreneur and business owner
Garuda Plaza Hotel Convention Hall
Detail about Garuda Plaza Hotel can be seen at :
Exhibition | Seminar | Launching | Workshop | Event Management
Info Franchise Expo 2012, Exhibition, Workshop and Seminar are organized by NEO ORGANIZER. Since 2005, NEO ORGANIZER has held impressive attract of Road Show Franchise Expo at top major cities in Indonesia: Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Denpasar, Semarang, Malang, Lampung, Pekanbaru, Makassar, Manado, Palembang and Medan. We specialized in Commercial and Trade Exhibition. Our business is successful exhibition, meetings, event management and special events. We dedicate to provide the highest quality to assist you with achieving your objectives.
Further Information, Layout and Floor plan, please feel free to get in touch with us:
Head Office:
Jl. Mawar Merah Raya Blok 33 No 4 Jakarta 13460
Phone : +62 21 86608111, +62 21 8622317
Fax : +62 21 8623638
Email :,, or
Website :
Blog :
Exhibition Sales Hotline :
+62 21 866 08 111 or +62 21 37 27 1899 or +62 21 3228 7568 or +62 21 811 19 043 19
22 - 23 SEPTEMBER 2012
Garuda Plaza Hotel Convention Hall
Jalan Sisingamangaraja No.18 Medan, North Sumatera,
For Official Contractor, may start build stand on :
For Official Contractor, may start build stand on :
Day and Date :
Friday, 21st September 2012
Time :
08.00 – 23.00 WIB (Local Time)
at Main Loading Door of building.
Special Design Contractor (Raw Space), may start build on :
Day and Date :
Friday, 21st September 2012
Time :
08.00 – 23.00 WIB (Local Time)
at Main Loading Door of building.
For Shell Stand Exhibitors may start decorate their stand
on :
Day and Date :
Friday, 21st September 2012
Time :
17.00 – 21.00 WIB (Local Time)
at Main Loading Door of building.
of Ingress :
Day and Date :
Friday, 21st September 2012
Time :
21.00 – 23.00 WIB (Local Time)
at Main Loading Door of building.
Opening Ceremony and Press Conference
Saturday, 22nd September 2012 – 09.30–11.00 WIB
Exhibition Hours (For Public)
Saturday, 22nd September 2012 - 10.00 WIB – 20.00 WIB
Sunday, 23rd September 2012 - 10.00 WIB – 20.00 WIB
Exhibitors allowed to come to the exhibition hall one
hour before the exhibition hours ( from 08.30 am on 22nd September, and 9.00 am
on 23rd September 2012) and may leave the exhibition hall one hour after (10.00
pm for 22nd and 23rd September 2012).
of Lights Exhibits / Hand-carried items
Day and Date :
Sunday, 23rd September 2012
Time :
20.00 – 21.00 WIB (Local Time)
at Main Loading Door of building.
stands and fittings, removal of heavy exhibit and cleaning
Day and Date :
Sunday, 23rd September 2012 – Monday, 24th September 2012
Time :
21.00 – 06.00 WIB (Local Time)
at Main Loading Door of building.
Note : IDs must be worn by the exhibitors and contractors
during ingress, exhibition period and egress.
Here we suggest some hotel which near to the venue, Garuda
Plaza Hotel Convention Hall:
Hotel Garuda Plaza
Jl. Sisingamangaraja 18 Medan. Phn. +62 61 - 7361111
Rate :
Standard IDR 629.500, IDR 689.200, Deluxe IDR 798.600, Executive IDR 877.250,
Garuda Deluxe IDR 1.482.000,
Corporate Rate Special for Exhibitor :
Standard IDR 421.200, Superior IDR 461700,
Deluxe IDR 534.600, Executive IDR 587.250, Garuda Deluxe IDR 650.000
2. Hotel Ibunda
Jl.Sisingamangaraja No.33
Medan 20125 (across from Garuda Plaza Hotel)
Phn. (62-61) 7345 5555,
Fax.(62-61) 735 8989
Rate : Standard IDR 220.000, Deluxe IDR 240.000, Suite B
IDR 270.000,
Suite A
IDR 280.000, Family IDR 300.000
Hotel Madani
Jl. Sisingamangaraja/
Amaliun No.1 Medan 20125. Phn. (62-61) 736 8800. Fax.(62-61) 736 7779. Website
Rate :
Superior IDR 384.000, Deluxe IDR 468.000,
Executive Deluxe IDR 576.500, Executive Suit IDR 940.000, Family Suit IDR
1.410.000, Madani Suit IDR 1.975.000, Royal Suit IDR 3.335.000.
Hotel Dhaksina
Jl. Sisingamangaraja No.20 Medan 20213
Phn. (62-61) 732
0000, Fax.(62-61) 734 0113
Rate : Standard IDR 250.000, Executive IDR 291.000, Deluxe IDR
326.000, Junior Suite IDR 379.000, Suite IDR
Hotel Ibunda
Jl.Sisingamangaraja No.33
Medan 20125 (across from Garuda Plaza Hotel)
Phn. (62-61) 7345 5555,
Fax.(62-61) 735 8989
Rate : Standard IDR 220.000, Deluxe IDR 240.000, Suite B
IDR 270.000,
Suite A
IDR 280.000, Family IDR 300.000
Hotel Garuda Citra
Jl.Sisingamangaraja 27/39 20 123 Medan, Indonesia.
Phn. (62-61) 736 7733, Fax.
(62- 61) 736
Rate : Standard IDR
260.000, Executive IDR 315.000, Deluxe IDR 360.000,
Family IDR 375.000
Hotel Sri Intan (Sri Deli)
No.30 Medan 20774. Phn.(62-61) 7368387
Rate : Standard IDR 175.000 (two bed), Standard IDR
225.000 (triple bed)
Hotel Swiss-Belinn
Jalan Surabaya 88 Medan
Sumatera, Indonesia. Phn.(62-61) 410 77777. Website :
Rate : Superior IDR 398.000, Deluxe IDR 448.000, Superior Deluxe
IDR 528.000,
Junior Suit IDR 880, Presidential Suit IDR 1.200.000.
Hotel Tiara ( )
Jalan Cut Meutia Medan 20152, North Sumatra Indonesia. Phn.(62-61)
Rate : Superior IDR
1.210.000, Executive IDR 1.425.000, Junior Suit IDR 2.420.000, Executive Suit IDR
3.630.000, Tiara Suit IDR 4.325.000, President Suit IDR 7.260.000,
Mr.Eddy +62 856 630 733
For your safety goods delivery and avoiding extortion,
we suggested you to use forwarder.
Sahara Tranindo Forwarder, with Mr.Khairul Mahalli
Phn. +62 61 77871528Cell Phn. +62 812 651 917 55 and +62 878 682 944 88
Booth included to the following facilities :
partition , 2 standard chair, 1 standard table, electricity 2 Ampere, lettering
name company, carpet and lighting.
Detail Partition
Width per each partition 1 meter (100 cm), Height per
partition 2,5 meter (250 cm)
Suggested size for banner / promotional printing at 95 cm x
239 cm vertical.
Detail of Standard Table (Partition)
Detail of Standard Table (Partition)
Length : 100 cm, width: 50 cm, dan height
: 75 cm
may build their own design. Organizer only provide space only as reserved
before. Approval design must be sent 3 weeks before the exhibition take place.
Please email the design to:
Maximum Height Allowed : Maximum height for Special Design Stand stand at 4 meter.
Cancellation Policy
the event of an exhibitor cancellation, Expo Management must receive a written
notice of withdrawal. Failure to provide notice in writing will result in an
exhibitor being charged the full price of booth rental as specified in your
rental agreement, regardless of whether the exhibitor appears at the event or
Care of Building
damage to the building as a result of moving materials is the responsibility of
the exhibitor. Smoking is not allowed during the ingress, exhibition period and
Exhibitor Badges
exhibitor personal must wear official identification badges, issued by Expo
Management, at all times while attending the exposition except during move-in
and move-out times. Security will be enforced. Each exhibitor is entitled to
(4) four complimentary exhibit staff badges per 9 square feet of exhibit space.
Badges will be available for pick-up during move-in at the Registration Desk.
Please fill Exhibitor Badges Form.
Exposition Date Change or Cancellation
circumstances beyond our control, Expo Management reserves the right, at its
sole discretion, to change the date or hours the show is held or cancel the
show, and shall not be liable in damages or otherwise by reason of any such
change or cancellation, other than to refund, in full, all moneys paid by the
exhibitor to Expo Management..
Garbage Removal
move-in and move-out please leave your garbage in the aisles and it will be
cleared at regular intervals.
is provided to manage persons entering and leaving the show building. Expo
Management will provide 24-hour general show security outside of the Exposition
area from start of move-in to the end of move-out. This security service does
not guarantee against theft, accidental or willful damage suffered by an
Exhibitor and no liability for such can or will be accepted by Expo Management
and/or the International Centre. It is strongly advised by Expo Management that
all articles of value, including VCR/DVD players, television monitors, stereos,
etc. be removed from the exhibit nightly by company booth personnel to prevent
unauthorized removal of goods. If such removal is not possible, please ensure
items have been securely fastened to the exhibit or display in some way.
Show Guide
Guide will be distributed on-site to exhibitors free of charge and will be sell
to the visitor. The guide will list participating companies alphabetically and
will provide booth numbers, company contact information and product listing.
Exhibitors are entitled to a 25-word description of their product(s) or
services(s) free of charge.
is prohibited in the exhibit hall at all times. Smoking is permitted outside
Soliciting and Promotional Materials
of samples, souvenirs, and promotional material and soliciting of business must
be confined to your booth space. Such activities are not permitted in the
aisles, registration areas, hallways or other exhibits. Exhibitors wishing to
enter another exhibitor’s booth may do so only if invited.
Sound Levels
noise level of any demonstration, sound system or equipment must be kept to a
minimum in order not to interfere with other exhibitors (not to exceed 70
decibels, four feet away from the source). Organizer reserves the right to
determine the sound level at which the noise interferes with others and may
request the exhibitor to comply.
of tape, tape residue and/or any other adhesive material used by exhibitors to
secure booth flooring to concrete floor will by billed to exhibitors at a rate
of IDR 10.000 per linear foot.
Visitor Attendance
admission to the Expo will be by controlled registration. Daily admission
prices for the Expo : On-Site Registration IDR 20.000 per person.
Wash Up Station
sink with running hot and cold water will be located behind the loading docks
for cleaning of sampling equipment and utensils.
official website for the Expo is This site contains
important information on the Expo.
Address :
Jl Mawar Merah Raya Blok 33 No 4
Jakarta 13460s
Phone :
+62 21 86608111
+62 21 8622317
Hotline :
+62 21 3727 1899
+62 21 3228 7568
+62 82 111 256 878
Fax :
+62 21 8623638
Event Available on
Free Invitation for the visitor come, visit and find out more about franchising.
Free Invitation for MEDAN (donwload in gadget)
Silahkan download dan disimpan di gadget / phone cell Anda, tunjukkan saat berkunjung ke area pameran.
Untuk undangan di atas dapat diprint dan dibawa saat berkunjung ke pameran.
Free Invitation Card for IFBC Medan special from Ministry of Domestic Trade, Cooperative and Consumerism Malaysia
Free Participating Business Forum with Minister of Domestic Trade, Cooperative and Consumerism (MDTCC) Malaysia
Download the form, fill it and send it by email to with subject "Business Forum Participant"
tweet us @neoorganizer @neoexpo for other info
Other Events :
Find out detail about TFBO at below or click this link :
Franchise is best option to expand business products using other branded company's right and authorities. It is beneficial for business to gain profit.
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